How to get started in React: Part 1


Brent The Software Developer

Hi, I'm Brent - a software developer, coding instructor, digital marketer, and drone pilot.

I specialize in building full-stack web apps with JavaScript and React.js.

Feel free to take a look around or get in touch for your next project!

Profile picture of man with brick background

Recent Projects

"Responsiveness at all costs"

- Brent Buchanan

Photo Plan App Screenshot

Photo Planner

Summary: A full stack MERN web app that assists a photographer in planning for a photo shoot using TomTom Maps API.

Technologies Used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js, TomTom Maps API, Bootstrap

Drone Business Site Screenshot

Arizona Drone Photography

Summary: A business site for a drone photography company. Allows scheduling with SMTP email notifications via a JS calendar connected to a MYSQL database.

Technologies Used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MYSQL, SMTP, Bootstrap